Finding brightness in difficult times

There’s no getting away from the fact that our world’s gone a little crazy at the moment. We could easily be overwhelmed by the news, disruption and worry it’s causing, so I thought it might help to focus on the positive side of it.


People often come together in times of need and this is visible in bucket-loads!
Communities everywhere are creating support groups and supply networks for the elderly and vulnerable. Facebook is full of new groups spreading kindness and suggesting ways to help those in self-isolation.
Shopping for a neighbour; walking someone’s dog; taking cooked food round; tidying a garden; picking up prescriptions and many more. One of the most important being, ensuring we follow the social distancing advice and self-isolate if showing any cold or flu-like symptoms, to protect others. It’s truly heart-warming and shines a light on the goodness of people.

Street art near Brick Lane, London, sending the right message

Street art near Brick Lane, London, sending the right message

People who are social-distancing, in self-isolation or lockdown could feel lonely and cut off from everyone. Thankfully, that’s where technology comes into its own. A telephone call is great, but FaceTime, Messenger video calls and Skype allow us to see each other, strengthening that connection to those we can no longer have in close proximity.
Italians in lockdown have gone one step further. Whose spirit wasn’t lifted by the videos of them singing together from their windows and balconies? Wonderful!
It seems to have inspired the English choirmaster, Gareth Malone, who’s launched ‘The Great British Home Chorus’, for anyone stuck at home. Fantastic!

The natural world is certainly noticing a difference. The sudden halt of traffic and factories appears to have had a remarkable effect. Smog has cleared in many cities. More fish and dolphins are being seen in coastal waters. The silence has meant bird songs can be heard.

Many of you will be working from home. Oh, how I feel for you. The idea of getting up at 8:45 am for the commute downstairs to sign on to your laptop for 9 am whilst still dressed in your pjs, the dog sitting at your feet and your favourite radio station on. It must be horrendous! Joking aside, I realise it must be quite inconvenient for many of you, but make the most of the good parts and remember you’re a lucky one who’s still got a job.

Pets are our new work colleagues

Pets are our new work colleagues

Then there are the exercise fanatics who can no longer go to the gym or for a run in the park. Yet again, technology comes to our aid. Many trainers are streaming live video classes for their clients. From PT and HIIT sessions to yoga and stretch classes. One guy even stood on a roof and got people in the flats around him to join in.

With all sporting events cancelled, many people are struggling. It’s been fabulous seeing the creativity of teams and others bring a light-hearted side to things. Premier League teams Southampton and Manchester City recently ‘played’ a match on Twitter - Tic Tac Toe. It was a close run battle, ending in a draw. BBC Radio 1 DJ, Greg James, ‘hosted’ Manchester City versus Burnley with a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Man City won that one.

It’s understandable that boredom could set in, so if exercise and sport aren’t your thing, there are 1000’s of YouTube tutorials on everything from water-colour painting and knitting to make-up application and building a website. Catch up on those magazines, books or blogs you’ve been meaning to read. Get cooking or baking.

Cake makes everything better

Cake makes everything better


If you’re stuck inside with the rest of the family, now’s a great time to play board games or cards. You could challenge them to a game of Fortnight or get out that Wii that’s been gathering dust in the cupboard. I’ve always loved jigsaw puzzles and have enough to keep me going for a few weeks!
So often as parents, we’re exhausted by the end of the day and the idea of reading a bed story is draining. Make the most of this time to enjoy it. Like millions of other children, my girls loved the Harry Potter books.

There’s also the chance to do those home chores you’ve been procrastinating about for months - spring clean the cupboards; paint the lounge; tidy the attic or garage. Here in Jersey, the sun has finally come out this week, so it’s been great to potter in the garden.

And if all else fails, there’s always Netflix!

The human spirit will prevail and we’ll come out the other side stronger.

Keep smiling. Keep safe. Keep healthy.


Vancouver Island


Losing a pet is heartbreaking